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Objectives For Change

Objective 1: Help Spread the Beliefs That Islam Stands For

By teaching young Muslims the beauty of Islam and showing them what the religion stands for, they will be more confident to practice the religion. Since young adults are more impressionable, targeting them as an audience for this campaign will help make a point and spread the news of what they are taught. 

In this step, I would like to use flyers and go on interviews in news and other media outlets to speak about how unfairly Muslim Americans are treated and how the false narrative is influencing this ill-treatment. This step serves to make sure that the public is aware of how bad they behave towards an entire religion because of something they have no control over.


Objective 2: Making Sure Muslims Have A Safe Space They Can Talk

With this campaign, I plan on giving a few people a chance to share their experiences with discrimination and how it made them feel. Since this campaign will focus on young Muslims, it will be a safe space for them to get things off their chest and support each other when they know they are not alone in this.


Objective 3: Holding Informative Interviews with Islam Scholars

Since these scholars have extensive knowledge of Islamic religion, it will be helpful if we had them answer questions and teach these young people new things that they can use in their everyday lives to give them the courage to practice their religion.


Objective 4: Holding Charity Events

Since one of the pillars of Islam is Zakat, which means giving charity to the poor and needy, holding charity events will be a great step in showing our campaign’s intentions and will also help make a point.